
Scraping HTML Tables with JavaScript

Have you ever tried to copy tables of data from web pages and paste them into spreadsheets? Sometimes, this can be difficult to accomplish manually. I wanted a quick, clean, and universal method for extracting HTML tables from web pages. Below, I linked to a JavaScript browser injection that scrapes every HTML table on a page and exports them to a csv. It has been tested on Linux & Windows workstations using the latest versions of Chrome & Firefox.

  1. Go to a webpage that contains at least one HTML table. You can use my List of LinkedIn Learning Certifications or W3 school's HTML Tables Examples if you need a page with HTML tables.
  2. Copy and paste the following snippet into the console view of your browser: Extract All Tables From Page
  3. Once you execute the script (just hit the "Enter" button), the tables will be extracted and saved as a CSV file.
  4. That's it, have fun!