Application Frameworks & Websites
Angular Dashboard
A simple dashboard demo built using Angular
React Dashboard
A simple dashboard demo built using React
AMP Framework Demo
A demo blog built using Google's AMP (Accelarated Mobile Pages) Framework.
Volt Edge Electric
Custom responsive, SEO optimized website for a professional electrician.
Machine Learning: Neural Networks, Regression, & Classification
NeuroEvolution: Self-Playing Game
Autonomous agents learn to avoid obstacles using a genetic algorithm.
N-Degree Polynomial Regression
Finds the best fitting curve from points on an interactive graph.
Color Classifier
Automatic labeling of color based on RGB values
Object Classification
Detects objects from a video stream.
Custom Data Model Creator
Build a prediction model from scratch in the browser with TensorFlow.js
Graphics, Art, & Entertainment
Audio Visualizer
Paint pixels with sound.
Meme Generator
Unlock your inner meme lord.
Maze Generator
Generate random (solvable) mazes with configurable complexity.
CSV, JSON, & TXT Tools
Data Collection Summary
Summarizes data from multiple CSV, JSON, or TXT files.
Merge CSV Files
Combine multiple CSV files into one.
Dedupe CSV Rows
Remove duplicate records from a CSV file
Join CSV Files
Joins records from multiple CSV files by matching ids.
Convert CSV to JSON
Live CSV to JSON Editor.
Array Builder
Create a JavaScript array from a list of items
Productivity & Marketing Tools
Task & Time Manager
Manage time spent on tasks. Export timesheets.
PPC Calculator
Estimates impressions, clicks, and cost from budget and lead volume goals.
Nearest Zip Codes
Given a zipcode, provides nearby cities, zip codes, counties, and states.
Keyword Generator
Generate PPC keyword lists from templates.
Natural Language Processing
Graphing Edit Distance
Visualize the edit distance between words.
Sentiment Analysis
Predicts whether a comment is positive or negative.
Predicts context/synonyms from a list of words.
NLP Statistics
Extracts sentences, parts of speech, and stats from a body of text.
Data Analysis, Tables, Charts
Displays values on a map using color
Historgram Generator
Creates histograms from 100k random numbers (normal distribution).
Live Chart Builder
Create and edit bar charts with live changes
Chart.js: Color Coded Charts
Emphasize highs and lows with conditionally colored charts.
LinkedIn Learning Courses
Search through my course history by title, author, or date.
Dynamic Weight Sorting
Quality? Speed? Cost? Grade items by chosen preferences.